We are entering a new era.

The paradigm is shifting.

We must evolve.
Artists and the music scene must evolve.
We must have a vision, a better way.
We must be trustworthy and coherent.
We must pioneer new paths.
Be in touch with our spirits.
And the spirit must be free.
Invariably, the sound will become vision.
And music will achieve the fullness of expression.
Just knowing how to play an instrument
Or sing a song simply isn’t enough.
It’s 2023.
We expect more from artists.

Vacuous music is abundant these days.
It is recognizable that there is
A certain amount of subjectivity
Surrounding aesthetics.
I get it.
Nonetheless, pop culture needs to take a look at itself.
People are starting to realize that we need other ways.
Our mission as creators is to find the ways of the future.
Aren’t we servants of the creative process?
Don’t we have a higher calling?
Aren’t we messengers through music?
Isn’t art the substantiation of the self?

Music is more than music.
It’s therapy.
It’s culture.
It’s history.
It’s education.
It’s power.
And power necessitates responsibility.

Music is a potent, instantly effective medication.
Makes you think, learn,
See things from a different perspective.
It moves you.
And from movement comes change.

Music is supposed to be about freedom.
It’s just as much about the mind,
as it is about any external force.
Freedom begins from within.
That’s why it matters to liberate our spirits.

I trust free individuals more than organizations,
Parties, clergies, or any organized group.


If you are one, you’ve come to the right place.
Welcome, family.

We proclaim that the human spirit cannot be organized.
Once it is organized an authority is born.
A structure that forces people along a certain mental pattern.
Free spirits, conversely,
Are not subject to behavioral, tribal, national or religious rules.
They give zero fucks about what the good sheeple
Of their particular group will say.
They’re not conformists or opportunists.
They just do what they think is right,
Yet mindful of universal harmony.
Free spirits spot contradictions.
Free spirits are eager to take risks.
And that’s when change enters the arena.

Right there.

Think about it.
Change is never nice and easy.
You need to piss off people you work with.
Shake things up and make people question their conformity.
You need to have values that you won’t sell for a million bucks.
You need to say NO to a lot of so-called opportunities.
Then, once you have liberated yourself,
You can start creating.
True stuff.
For others.
New paths.
Building, sharing, inspiring.
That’s what I call the “RISK FORMULA”:

No not that one.
I’m not that crazy.
This one.

Risks multiplied Reach, equals Change.

Doesn’t matter how much notoriety or success you reach.
Doesn’t matter how good the metaphors in your lyrics are.

RISKS means putting yourself in actual danger.
That’s what innovators do.
In your work environment, in your career, in your field.
Real risks that can cause consequences or retaliation.
Not donating to some charity.
Not boycotting some brands.
Not raising the fist with a BLM tee on.
I’m talking real risks, here.
We need to be creditable on duty, as well as off duty.
One should be mindful,
When compromising with any apparatus.
No need to keep on berating a system,
Without holding individuals responsible and accountable.

REACH is the amount of people that will know
That you are actually taking risks.
Those are the people you’ll inspire.
Most of them will still be afraid,
But some of them will think:
“If they’re doing it, then I can also do it”.
And all of a sudden, the energy architecture will begin to shift
It’s leverage.

So. That’s the formula.
Maybe it’s a dumb formula.
But you have to admit it illustrates my point pretty well.
Action vs. Inaction.
If enough of us take risks within
Our own area, field, work environment,
The result will be real change.
We seek liberation
Through self-responsibility and self-accountability.
Because we know that self-awareness fosters self-empowerment.
And that’s the only guarantee for long term freedom.

I’m a musician.
My area is Music.
That’s why I critique the industry.
To cast stones outside of my own circle of interest,
While being a part of the very establishment
I decry with some songs would be very easy.
But also pointless, for a real change-maker.
If the tree is poisoned, will you bite the apple?
Why don’t we plant a new tree?
Today, is fame paid for or earned?
9 times out of 10, pay to play is the rule of the day.
Still they make it look like it’s all deserved.
But let me tell you this much:
This kind of business is the past. Free music is the future.
The artists must be free, not just the Music.

We are more connected than ever, more informed than ever.
We have access to an incredible database of music, art, books.
All kinds of informative content.
Did the power brokers and the suits consider these factors?
Quality standards?
We don’t need no more shallowness.
We don’t need no more industry plants.
We don’t need no more media manipulation.

It’s not easy to debunk how show business works nowadays.
It reinforces the status quo,
Encourages complaisance, careerism, fakery.
Do you really think that actual change
Will ever come out of complaisance and kowtowing?
They use fake-ass artists and would-be revolutionaries
To make you think they’re fighting the status quo.
It’s a marketing gimmick, and an old one.
“Buy this product! It’s against the status quo! It’s dope!
Shows you’re fighting the establishment!
Your friends will think you’re the coolest one!”
But if you look into it,
Corporate music defends the status quo.
Corporate music protects the status quo.
Can you fight the establishment, while being a part of the establishment?
The answer looks pretty simple.
Yet it ain’t.
Because words are losing their meaning.
Because most media is a bunch of bullshit.
Because they create powerful images.
And they’re really good at propaganda.
So those images appear as real.
Fake it. And fake it again. Until you make it.

Shallow-ass pop music acts now claim they’re cultural movements.
Pop-stars ride social justice trends or trending war news
To make more money and gain exposure,
While appearing as supporters of change.
So many present themselves
As if they were some freedom fighters
Or some revolutionary avant-garde.

I call bullshit.

The entertainment matrix is able to reproduce itself
Because artists and creators never question it.
Most artists today don’t even care that much about music.
They put money first.
Or fame.
We all want to make it to the top.
Including me.
But fake it to the top?
Not my thing.
I’m sure there are others out there who feel the same way.

Today, music has more far reaching influence than ever.
And free spirits have more power than ever before in history.
Let’s put the two together and see what happens.
Let’s unite around what we are – and,
Most importantly, around what we are not.
Let’s create something clean, something new.
I’ve been thinking of a peer-to-peer network
For quite some time now.
Using only the platforms the status quo uses
To project their artists will not work.
A new kind of movement needs a new platform to exist.
That is why I developed THE KEENSHIP.
A Smartphone App to globalize a network of free spirits.
Responsible social media.
A new global family.
A way to connect for mutual help.
Tell stories of injustice that bigger media outlets overlook.
Lend a megaphone to those who are marginalized.
Denounce unjust practices.
Debate and learn.

THE KEENSHIP will have many different functions.
Covering different areas.
THE KEENSHIP will provide opportunity.
THE KEENSHIP is for free spirits.
Each one fighting from their own area,
Field, work environment, continent.

We don’t need to share the same spiritual beliefs,
Heritage or sexual orientation.
We know humanity is one.
Our mindset is universal.
We merge diversity with equity.
We want freedom of movement and equal opportunities.
Racism knows no boundaries.
Neither does oppression.
Injustices and corruption are everywhere.
Our problems are global.

THE KEENSHIP provides a global solution.

And as it grows it’ll have a life of its own.
This is a safe space for empaths and change makers.
The app will magnetize all kindred spirits.
Racists, Bigots, Supremacists: no need to apply.
It’s time for doers, it’s time for enthusiasts.
No more wasting time.
Let’s raise the bar. Lift up the culture.
We’re old school activists.
We know knowledge is the ultimate weapon.
We strongly believe in educating ourselves.

And please remember:
THE KEENSHIP is neither mine, yours or theirs.
It’s for all free spirits worldwide.
It’ll always be open to community inputs,
Collaborative ideas and feedbacks.

You will make the movement what it is.
You are your own guiding light.
No guru here, and no followers.

Last but not least,
You do not have to worry about our earnings being used for tomfoolery
Or any of the usual gilded suspects,
Like fancy cars or big mansions.
We are not in it for material gain.
No Prada or Gucci here.
We strongly believe in a return to the
Commitment of making real, spiritual music
While offering up cutting edge sounds.
The new movement, the new app, the new music.
That’s where 100% of our earnings will go.

This is all we can do.
For all the rest, it’s your call.

Feel free to get in touch if you think you can help.
If you’re still reading this, thank you.
Means a lot.
I’ll see you down the road.

Big Hug